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Certification questions

What is BAL?

The Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) rating categorises the severity of potential bushfire exposure and dictates the minimum construction requirements necessary to increase a building’s resistance to bushfires.

BAL-LOW: Low risk, no special construction requirements.

BAL-12.5: Low to moderate risk, some ember protection required.

BAL-19: Moderate risk, additional ember protection and protection against radiant heat.

BAL-29: High risk, more stringent requirements for ember protection and radiant heat.

BAL-40: Very high risk, even stricter construction requirements.

BAL-FZ (Flame Zone): Extreme risk, requires the highest level of protection, including against direct flame contact.

When designing a building in a bushfire-prone area, knowing the BAL is essential to ensure compliance with local regulations and to enhance the safety of the building’s occupants.